Thursday, July 14, 2011


So it took me a little while to come out of the denial I was in, but the truth is I am in nesting mode full force. With only 7 weeks left until our little baby boy arrives I feel compelled to get as much done around my house as possible. I've done things like clean out the pantry, fridge, and freezer, only to fill them up a few days later with anything I thought we might need in the next few months as well as prepare several frozen meals for days when I won't feel like cooking once our son is here. I have also re-organized our linen closet, created a file box with all of our important family documents so that they are always accessible (I even found our marriage license!!), created a new address book that has updated addresses and phone numbers of our family and friends, and cleaned just about everything in sight.  In addition to all of this, we have been diligently working on the nursery to get everything organized and put away for baby, and I have now washed all of his clothes and linens thus far. Many have told me that I need to just rest and take it easy these last few weeks and that it's really not necessary to have the nursery completed before the baby comes since he won't sleep in it for the first couple of months, but that just doesn't sit well with me. I know that my life is about to turn upside down and that I'm going to be overwhelmed and exhausted when our little one arrives, and the last thing I want to be worrying about is what we're having for dinner or if the crib has been set up yet or where on earth my insurance paperwork is or if I have a clean outfit to put the baby in because company is coming over to see him. I know to some it might seem totally insane, but to me all this preparation is simply a way to put my mind at ease and make the transition to mommy a little easier.  We are so excited about his arrival! And now we feel a little more confident since we have accomplished so much in preparation for him becoming part of our home! But before you say that you hope the time flies by, don't. We're content to wait the full 40 weeks, because all good things come in time! And who knows, I might find some other chore to accomplish before he comes! :)

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