Friday, September 21, 2012

Do You Trust the GPS?

A few weeks ago, on our way home from Sunday lunch with my parents and sister, Tyler and I saw two older ladies trying to determine which lane they were supposed to be in, we noticed the out of state plates, and knew they were probably lost. They switched to the left turn lane and then turned on their blinker needing back in our lane, so Tyler being the nice guy, let them back over. We were laughing at the maps they were waving at each other, and their animated discussion, and we began to imagine the conversation they were having in the car. Tyler wondered why they didn't just use a GPS, and I told him that they probably had one but didn't trust it, so they weren't using it. As we moved through the intersection, they were once again switching lanes and changing their blinkers, and that's when I saw it...they did have a GPS! It was right there in the driver's side window, and it was on, but apparently they weren't listening to it. I had a feeling they were looking for the highway, which was just a little further down the road, but as we turned into our neighborhood, I watched them taking the exit to the mall instead. I thought how silly, and that if they had only just listened to the GPS and trusted it to go just a little bit further, they would've found exactly what they were looking for. And then, I realized that I do the exact same thing.
God has designed and set out His plans for me, and all I have to do is trust Him, but so often I second-guess His map for my life. I take things into my own hands just like those two women, and I switch lanes, swerving all over the place, creating danger for those around me, and sometimes I even take a wrong exit because I think I know better than Him. When I look back at how many times I didn't trust God's plans for me, I think how silly I must have seemed to God and how frustrated and even disappointed in me, He must have been. I can imagine Him saying, "My daughter, this way, follow Me, I won't let you down, just a little bit further. It may not look like what you expected, but I've got it all under control, just trust Me." I'm so thankful that the Lord's mercy is so unfailing and that He forgives me every time I doubt Him and choose my own way. So while those two ladies seemed so foolish to me, I realized that I'm even more foolish, because while they had a GPS that could still get it wrong if it wasn't updated properly, I have a perfect GPS that will never get it wrong, and yet I still tend to doubt Him.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to propser you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 I'm so glad He has the plans, and all I have to do is trust and follow Him!

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