Tuesday, November 15, 2011

No Naps for Ryder

So it appears that I am significantly behind on updating my blog, but I blame this on a certain two and a half month old thay I have nicknamed "No Nap" Ryder-man. Ryder has been going through a new phase the past three weeks of not napping more than 45 minutes at a time during the day for three nap periods. He is still a good sleeper at night, although the past three mornings he's started rousing between 4:30 and 6am. Thankfully, he sleeps until 7, but after that all bets are off on getting him to sleep more. Ryder talks, plays, and smiles for hours on end. When he gets sleepy I feed him and put him down for what I hope will be a solid hour or longer nap, but in the end it usually only ends up lasting about 45 minutes. While I am extremely happy for a happy baby who sleeps through the night, his lack of sleeping during the day is tiring and trying since I can't seem to get much done around my house. It's also complicated with the onset of the holidays and my need to do some Christmas shopping, but with a baby who hates being in his car seat, shopping is not really possible. As for now, the only guaranteed way to get Ryder to sleep is to let him lie on my lap, so that's exactly where he is right now, and hopefully where he'll remain for another hour or so. It's not ideal, but if it helps him to get the rest he needs, then it's what we'll do.

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