Saturday, May 5, 2012

Life is Precious

In the past few days, I have been overwhelmed with news that has broken my heart. From a dear college friend whose three year old was diagnosed with leukemia two days ago ( to an acquaintance from high school whose eight year old son is battling a rare form of lymphoma and will most likely lose his sight to a news story from China about a woman was forced to have an abortion nine months into her pregnancy because she had violated the One Child Per Family law, and had to listen to her newborn's cries as it died a slow death and was denied the opportunity to comfort her child (, and then a former co-worker found out her unborn baby may not survive the pregnancy.
As  a new mommy, I can't even fathom what these mothers must be feeling. The thought of losing my child or seeing him suffer in any way is unbearable, and I am so grateful that Ryder is a happy, healthy baby (something I sometimes take for granted). I believe my role as a mom is to protect and nurture my child, but in these situations that role becomes impossible to fulfill. I can't imagine how lost and helpless I might feel, and in my heart I pray that God would never ask me to go through such a difficult situation. But I also know that that is a very selfish prayer. So, I pray that God will give me the faith I would need to endure such a tragedy in life, and hope that I never have to go through one. And, I do the thing I used to preach to my students all the time; remember that life is precious and not take any moment for granted. We only have one life to live, and we're not promised tomorrow, so we must treasure the blessings God has given us today. Which for me, means I hold my sweet boy a little tighter and a tad bit longer, and thank the Lord for such a precious gift.

I don't know why such awful things happen in this world, but I do know the One who has overcome this world and has already defeated both sickness and death. I look forward to the day when my Savior will wipe away all of our tears, turn our mourning into praise, and our sorrow into joy! I hate that these families are suffering at this time, and I ask you to join me in praying for each of them that the Lord would surround them with His peace and love, and that they would know that He is in control and trust His hand. And I also ask that you pray for healing for these two young boys who are battling different forms of cancer, and this baby who may not even get the chance to be born.

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