Friday, August 24, 2012

A Letter to My One Year Old

Dear Precious Baby Boy,

As I sit here on the eve of your first birthday, I can't believe how much joy and laughter you have brought to our lives! You are the happiest little boy with your big cheesy grin and your delightful laugh! I couldn't have asked for a sweeter, more precious baby!

You were such a surprise to me when I found out that you were growing inside of me, and you haven't stopped surprising us since! From the day you were born when you decided to turn face up right before delivery, or when you came out weighing not the average 7 lbs. that our doctor had been assuring us of, but instead a whopping 8 lbs. 15.7 oz.!!! Honestly, I'm glad that one was a surprise, because I'm not so sure how well I would have handled it knowing you were such a big boy already!! :)

Your daddy and I are so in love with you! You are so easy going, and so much fun! You are such a character, and are constantly looking for ways to make us laugh by playng peek-a-boo or dancing in excitement! I can already hear your teacher now telling us that you like to make all the other kids laugh instead of pay attention. Not that I'm complaining, because I always liked having those students in class to add life to the group, which is exactly what you do in our home. I didn't realize it before you were born, but we were missing out on so much before you joined our home, you have breathed life into our lives! We are so incredibly blessed to have you as our son, and I thank the Lord daily for the gift He gave us, when He created and formed you and planned for you to be the boy you are and join our home. I can't imagine life without you, and wouldn't trade you for the world! (Well, most of the time, but there were those few months, when you surprised me yet again with no longer sleeping through the night for almost 3 months straight, where I did consider trading you in...but I didn't!! And I'm so glad I didn't!!!)

I know that the years are going to fly by before you are all grown up and gone, because this first year has gone way too fast already, so when I tear up and cry just humor me, please, because to me, you will always be that sweet, baby boy who needs me to rock him to sleep every day for naptime as you play with your hair and beams at me from your bed where you're snuggling with your stuffed animals when I come to get you up. You'll always be my little man who squeezes me around the neck and opens your mouth as wide as you can to give me kisses on the cheek! I love you my sweet, sweet boy, and I am so incredibly happy that I get to be your mommy forever! Happy 1st Birthday, Ryder!! This day will always hold a special place in my heart, because this is the day God gave you to me!!

Love Always,

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