Thursday, August 19, 2010

Taken for Granted

Sometimes I take things for granted and get so wrapped up in my own world that I begin to think that my problems are huge and that no one else could possibly be struggling as much as me. But tonight I was reminded that my problems are so small in comparison to the struggles that others face. I read a blog of a woman that I barely know who has been dealt an awful bloww in life, and I was amazed, inspired really by her faith, her strength, her courage, and her determination. I'm not sure that I would ever feel the same if I had gone through what she had, but I hope and pray that I draw closer to my God, so that if that storm ever did come I would have the faith to stand strong. To the anonymous woman, who inspired me today, thank you and may God bless you for your faithfulness and courage and for your ability to maintain dignity and grace in the face of hard times.

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